TPW Comic – 59

Talon has the talent of telling it like it is.  Rude or not.  XD

Do you enjoy the comic?  Consider donating to my Patreon!  Your help allows me to continue to provide the comic you have come to know and love.  Not to mention Patrons get extra goodies on top of the comic itself!

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Not all Kings are wise. But this one may be humbled.

Join me over on Patreon, your donations help me to maintain the sim on which I set up all my props and scenes!  I can’t do it without you!

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Talon isn’t going to make this easy.  Is she?
Thank you all for your patience during this busy summer!  I am still actively working on the comic, but my time to work on it has been limited, so I work in short bursts.  It means the comic is a bit slow, but it’s still coming!

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My Patrons make this comic possible. The sim is coming along nicely and without their support I wouldn’t be able to afford it at all. This is a wonderful creative outlet for me and I cannot tell you how much it means to me that they support me in my endeavors.

If you are interested in helping this comic, as well as seeing some fun behind the scenes photos and bloopers head on over to Patreon and sign up today!

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Come ON Talon, just tell us what you are all about! Geeze!
Don’t forget to sign up for the one shot role play event! First Contact is a great way to experience the world of The Prophet’s Web!
We are also having a Meet ‘n Greet with the Author next Wednesday, June 14th at 6pm cst! Be sure to like The Prophet’s Web Facebook page so you don’t miss it!
Looking to support the comic?  Check out our Patreon page!  Thank you!

TPW Comic – 51

We got all of one vote on the poll, so we are going to follow Boyd and see what kind of mischief he can get into.  *ha!*  You know if Talon is involved it can’t be good.

I’ve updated the rewards for my Patrons!  Head on over and check it out.  ^_^

TPW Comic – 50

Wow! 50 pages! I know it’s not a huge number to shoot for, but this is the first time *I’ve* hit it! Super exciting!
The summer is always a busy time for me, so bare with me. I absolutely am continuing the comic and I will try to stick to my usual schedule, but if I miss a week here or there understand that this isn’t my full time job, and that it is still actively being created!
A huge thank you goes out to all my supporters on Patreon.  I couldn’t have made it this far without your donations. You are all, honestly, the lifeblood of this comic.
Thank you.

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Welcome to the first page of chapter 3!  The crew is busy getting ready for their trip into town and it looks like they might have finally realized Elijah is missing!