TPW Comic – 59

Talon has the talent of telling it like it is.  Rude or not.  XD

Do you enjoy the comic?  Consider donating to my Patreon!  Your help allows me to continue to provide the comic you have come to know and love.  Not to mention Patrons get extra goodies on top of the comic itself!

TPW Comic – Page 55

Here we get to see the first glimpse of Talon’s true face. OH MAN WHAT THE HELL SERIOUSLY.
Thanks to my Patrons for helping me continue my work on this comic. I can’t do it without you folks. You are all the best!  If you would like to join my Patrons in helping out, feel free to visit!

TPW Comic – 54

Talon isn’t going to make this easy.  Is she?
Thank you all for your patience during this busy summer!  I am still actively working on the comic, but my time to work on it has been limited, so I work in short bursts.  It means the comic is a bit slow, but it’s still coming!

TPW Comic – 53

My Patrons make this comic possible. The sim is coming along nicely and without their support I wouldn’t be able to afford it at all. This is a wonderful creative outlet for me and I cannot tell you how much it means to me that they support me in my endeavors.

If you are interested in helping this comic, as well as seeing some fun behind the scenes photos and bloopers head on over to Patreon and sign up today!