TPW Comic – 50

Wow! 50 pages! I know it’s not a huge number to shoot for, but this is the first time *I’ve* hit it! Super exciting!
The summer is always a busy time for me, so bare with me. I absolutely am continuing the comic and I will try to stick to my usual schedule, but if I miss a week here or there understand that this isn’t my full time job, and that it is still actively being created!
A huge thank you goes out to all my supporters on Patreon.  I couldn’t have made it this far without your donations. You are all, honestly, the lifeblood of this comic.
Thank you.

TPW Comic -43

Welcome to the first page of chapter 3!  The crew is busy getting ready for their trip into town and it looks like they might have finally realized Elijah is missing!

TPW Comic – 32

Making that video for Patreon took up much of my time early last week.  Luckily, I still had time to make this week’s comic!  YAY!